I looked into this when trying to make a piece of toy software to serialize and de-serialize *all* OpenSSH-supported public key formats.

While OpenSSH uses standardized formats for private keys, the ssh-* AAAA/3NzaC0… format you're used to pasting into remote servers is actually a "proprietary" (though with freely-licensed spec and implementation) encoding—it's not JSON, and not any standardized BER/DER codec; instead, it's mostly a Length-Value encoding (think TLV without the T) with fixed-length length fields. (Technically, the underlying encoding is basically ad-hoc, but in practice the only 2 of its datatypes anyone practically ever uses are string, which holds octet strings of length variable at runtime up to $2^{32}-1$ bytes long; and mpint, which holds the integers in range ${[{{-2^{{({2^{32}-1})}\times 8}},{2^{{({2^{32}-1})}\times 8}}})}$; both of which are, obviously, encoded as a uint32 length followed by the raw value.)

You can see from the following code fragment (which I wrote, and which is correct as regards OpenSSH-generated ~/.ssh/id_*.pub files) that, while OpenSSH actually encodes RSA's (and DSS's) key values itself, it just stashes elliptic-curve keys of all species as foreign "data blobs" that have to be parsed out by respective functions unpack_bernstein_compressed_point and unpack_sec1ec_point:

function _ossh2obj(buf) {
	let reader = new _OsshReader(buf);
	let type = reader.readString();
	switch (type) {

		case "ssh-rsa": {
			let e = reader.readMpint();
			let n = reader.readMpint();

			return {type: 'rsa', value: {n, e}};

		case "ssh-dss": {
			let p = reader.readMpint();
			let q = reader.readMpint();
			let g = reader.readMpint();
			let y = reader.readMpint();

			return {type: 'dss', value: {p, q, g, y}};

		case "ssh-ed25519":
		case "ssh-ed448": {

			// 1. Curve
			let identifier = type.match(/^ssh-(ed\S+)$/)[1];
			let params = getEdDSAParams(identifier);

			// 2. Point
			let A = reader.readBytes();
			if (A.length !== get_bernstein_compressed_length(params))
				throw new Error(`Invalid key (wrong ${type} length).`);
			let P = unpack_bernstein_compressed_point(A, params);
			// let {x, y} = P;

			return {type: 'eddsa', value: {identifier, point: P}};

		case "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256":
		case "ecdsa-sha2-nistp384":
		case "ecdsa-sha2-nistp521": {
			// https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5656#section-3.1

			// 1. Curve
			let [hash_name, expected_identifier] = type.match(/^ecdsa-(\w+)-(\w+)$/).slice(1);
			let identifier = reader.readString();
			if (identifier !== expected_identifier)
				throw new Error("Invalid key (mismatched type field and SEC 1 identifier).");
			let params = getECDSAParams(identifier);

			// 2. Point
			let Q = reader.readBytes();
			let P = unpack_sec1ec_point(Q, params);
			// let {x, y} = P;

			return {type: 'ecdsa', value: {identifier, h: hash_name, point: P}};

			throw new Error(`Unsupported OpenSSH key type: ${type}`);

These formats (SEC 1, Bernstein) were both "borrowed" wholesale from the non-OpenSSH elliptic-curve software ecosystem.

What's interesting to me (and why I wrote this post) is how nearly similar these 2 formats are. Actually, instead of saying how they're similar, I'll just enumerate comprehensively their differences:

  • Bernstein encoding lacks the header byte, and supports only compressed format. Bernstein-encoded elliptic-curve points are always exactly $\lceil{{({{\lceil{\text{log2}{({p})}}\rceil}+{1}})}\div 8}\rceil$ octets long; in contrast to SEC 1, Bernstein encoding defines octet-strings of length $0$ and ${{\lceil{({{\text{log2}{({p})}}-1})} \div 8}\rceil} \times {2}$* to be invalid.
  • For point compression, Bernstein encoding truncates the first co-ordinate, $x$, rather than SEC 1's truncation of $y$.
    • Technically, the Bernstein protocols are defined over Montgomery curves (curves of form $By^2 = x^3 + Ax^2 + x$), while the general EC protocols are defined over short Weierstrass curves (with form $y^2 = x^3 + ax + b$), so this is a bit of an apples-to-oranges comparison. But it still bears noting, if you're trying to make actual serializers/deserializers of these codecs.
  • Bernstein encoding encodes both points trivially, while SEC 1 maps the compressed point through a transformation, $0 \mapsto 2; 1 \mapsto 3$.
  • Bernstein encoding concatenates ${Y} \mathbin\Vert {X}$ bitwise; this allows saving an octet for some curves. This contrasts with SEC 1, which serializes the points independently into whole "padded" octet strings before concatenation.
  • Bernstein encoding serializes the non-truncated co-ordinate into one fewer bits than would be required to encode $p-1$, making a leap of faith for the extremely conservative assumption that the truncated co-ordinate will be $\ge 2$.
    • *Technically, the legal lengths for SEC 1 encoded points are $\{{1}, {1 + \lceil{{({{\lceil{\text{log2}{({p})}}\rceil}})}\div 8}\rceil + 1}, {1 + \lceil{{\text{log2}{({p})}} \div 8}\rceil \times {2}}\}$ (including the header byte, not pinching a bit off non-compressed co-ordinates, and not pinching an octet in bitwise concatenations). The formulas named earlier are what would be the lengths if you generalized Bernstein encoding to support uncompressed points and the point at infinity.

[NOTE FROM EDITOR: The above formulas are all based on prime $p\neq 2$. While no Bernstein protocol is yet based on a characteristic-$2$ field, for SEC 1, some of these formulas are actually different for characteristic-$2$.]

The first point is the most significant difference; it was a design choice to create the following "knock-on" effects:

  • $\mathcal{O}$ (the point-at-infinity) has no representation; it simply cannot be encoded—and, therefore, cannot be produced during decoding!
  • Since compressed format is forced, you have to solve for the missing co-ordinate during deserialization; this means that no element of $\mathbb{Z}_p^2 \setminus E$ ("points-off-the-curve") can be produced during decoding!
  • The only supported format has a fixed length, which allows simplifying codepaths and ossifying netcode.

These are security features because trying to treat with the point at infinity or points-off-the-curve can leak your private key or otherwise damage the security of the handshake if the software you're using wasn't specifically designed to handle those inputs (see CVE-2022-21449 and CVE-2017-16007 for representative examples); it's very easy for library developers to just assume that the public key you're trying to treat with is a fully legitimate one. By categorically preventing the deserializer from emitting them, the library developer is saved totally from being required to even think about these cases, and the application (and, therefore, the user) which uses a Bernstein protocol is saved totally from library developers who neglected to think about these cases.

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