Using "pip" behind a corporate firewall

Pip behind a corporate firewall The tldr is: Pip 23.3 or newer "just works" after you add a simple snippet to your config file. ; %AppData%\pip\pip.ini ; "${XDG_HOME-$HOME/.config}/pip/pip.ini" [global] use-feature = truststore However, said snippet will break older versions of pip. In particular, pip < 23.3, >= 22.2 will break, complaining that you need to install the "truststore" package before you can install any packages—a perfect "catch 22". As …

Can't install Twine on PyPy due to nh3 "Rust" problem

Quick fix, just run these commands if Twine refuses to install on PyPy on Windows due to a weird error about the nh3 package needing the non-PyPI dependency, Rust: REM on Windows pip install -v "readme-renderer < 42.0" & REM pip install twine # on Mac and Linux pip install -v "readme-renderer < 42.0" # pip install twine This won't pollute your registry or any other folders …