Knockoff replacement for Dell F702J

Perhaps found a replacement for my PC's backpanel I/O shield: AliExpress Item #4000562100767, sold by “SpiderIsland Tech Co, Ltd.” (unable to verify corporation registration due to lack of effort) and allegedly manufactured by "DEBROGLIE" (unable to find any such company easily on US Google). sold out… AliExpress Item #3256801112114223, sold by “Redbearshop Store, Professional Manufacturer of Computer Backplate, the first IO shield store in China”. It doesn't have the …

October Brain Dump

draft post subject to revision "security is about policy, and policy is about choices. DNSSEC tries to make a single set of choices for the entire Internet." Like a pebble in your shoe. ("Oh, well, guess I'll just use GDocs") To understand this, one must first take this, which seems to legitimately depend on this and this, high school student sent to juvenile prison before even being tried for …


We're back. Here's a quick summary of important events: Running, this time, on RancherOS because there's no reason for me to be doing anything as root on my machines (I'll just break stuff lol). (have moved to Fedora 31 ca. February 2020) Next project: a CI server providing a super-duper easy interface to build Android apps with. Every SDK is a flaming nuclear cluster garbagefire, but at if it's …