It looks like this driver might be outright causing hangs during the weekly-system-update reboots anyway, despite the RPMFusion devs’ best efforts; you can’t make NVidia write functional drivers for a non-Gamer audience.

If you’ve got a “legacy” GPU, you’re probably better off using the OS-vendor-supplied drivers…

[TODO: provide logs, note motherboard model, etc.]

Trying the RPMFusion methoddo not follow the guide from inttf; it wrongly presumes competency on the part of the NVidia devs. Their "installer" will screw up your  system. At least the peeps at RPMFusion actually use the packages they make.

This log/guide was for the Quadro FX 1700; it may work similarly for other cards—in any case, be sure to identify the correct driver version—for this card, that'd be 340. This table might prove  useful.

After adding the RPMFusion repo: install the packages xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-340xx ocl-icd-devel xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-340xx-cuda—the last 2 are both necessary (even for non-development OpenCL work!)—and dnf erase xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-nouveau, if present. (Then, obviously, reboot.)

I found mesa-libOpenCL to be unnecessary; I erased it after reading a forum thread claiming it should be replaced by ocl-icd-devel, but I can no longer find this thread.

(Sadly, however, this was sort of a waste of time.)

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